Students tell us about the importance of essential skills
It’s well reported that young people ‘lack skills for the digital age’. In November 2022, The Times reported that ‘85 per cent, of people aged 16 to 24 polled by YouGov believed they did not have the skills needed for today’s digital jobs, potentially endangering economic growth.’
That’s why skills development is at the heart of Apps for Good computing courses, to provide the essential skills needed for the future of work, for example improving young people’s confidence, problem solving, collaboration and communication skills.
We spoke to a group of students from Challney High School for Boys in Luton about their experience of Apps for Good courses.
Check out this short clip to hear what they had to say...
It's always great to hear from the young people who take part, and what really struck us was the amount of essential and key life skills they talk about gaining, such as teamwork and presentation skills alongside an increase in self-confidence.
The Apps for Good experience has not only given them tech innovation skills, but helps them to develop capabilities they will require throughout their learning and future work journey.

We are accredited by Skills Builder and use their universal framework to ensure our courses help students succeed.