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Our courses are 100% FREE
You will never pay for an Apps for Good course thanks to the generous donations of our partners.
7 session courses
You can make an impact on your students' digital and innovation skills in just 7 sessions.
Mapped to the 4 nations computing curriculums
Our courses align to the computing curriculums of England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales
Reviewed and tested by Computing Teachers
Computing teachers from across the UK trial and help iterate our content, which is produced by our own in-house teaching professionals.
Industry Volunteers
Our Industry Engagement sessions are an exciting way for students to develop their presentation skills and get authentic feedback from people in the tech industry, at a time that suits you.
Showcase student achievement
Our annual Showcase provides a virtual opportunity for students to share their prototype app with Industry Volunteers beyond the classroom and celebrate their success. It's a great way to motivate your students and raise the profile of your school!