We join the National Centre for Computing Education as a contributing partner

The National Centre for Computing Education (NCCE) is funded by the Department for Education and marks a significant investment in improving the provision of computing education in England. Their vision is to achieve a world-leading computing education for every child in England.
The NCCE provide high-quality support for the teaching of computing in schools and colleges, from Key Stage 1 through to A level. They offer an extensive range of training, resources and support covering elements of the curriculum at every Key Stage, catering for all levels of subject knowledge and experience.
Here at Apps for Good we’ve been avid supporters of the NCCE since their inception and we continue to advocate their work ensuring that teachers are making the most of the available opportunities, as well as working closely with the consortium to deliver the Gender Balance in Computing research programme.
We’re also big believers in working together, rather than reinventing the wheel. We're therefore extremely proud to be listed as a contributing partner to the NCCE alongside such an amazing network of innovative organisations and programmes including:
- Barefoot
- Micro:bit Educational Foundation
- Royal Academy of Engineering
These partnerships provide complementary programmes that contribute to the overall NCCE offer for teachers and students.
We're dedicated to ensuring young people develop the skills needed to thrive in a changing world. We're delighted to be supporting the NCCE as they lead the drive to ensure all young people in England receive a high-quality computing education.”
Heather Picov, CEO, Apps for Good