
Swapping skills for mutual benefit in your community

Empowerly is brought to you by...

Priya, Maria and Melissa (all aged 16) from Bradford Grammar School.

Tell us more!

What is your product and who is it for?

Empowerly provides a platform for people in communities to share their skills and talents with each other.

What inspired your idea, and why is it important to you?

We thought about the high costs that come with having to employ others to provide services that people in our neighbourhood could do. We find this important as we see others struggling when there is a clear, simple and easy solution to it.

How does your product solve the problem?

Our product will help people save money, time and gain connections with someone new. It will help communities come together, especially in the current cost of living crisis. But more importantly, it will allow people to build strong communities.

How does it work?

When looking for a trade, users input a skill they are willing to do and also what they are looking for. They can scroll amongst others who can provide this skill and can start a private chat with them, discussing how and when they could do each other's tasks. This is a new and safe way of bartering amongst communities.

Meet the team

Why vote for Empowerly?

Because we truly believe that our idea is unique and it will promote a huge social change. It can help communities empower themselves all over the world. It can make communities happier.

The Future Founders category is judged by friends of Apps for Good

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