The value of constructive feedback

At Apps for Good we empower students to create tech solutions to the social challenges they care about most.
As part of our Industry Experts volunteer programme, experts dial into classrooms remotely to offer support, motivation and most importantly feedback to students at varying stages of their course.
Feedback from Industry professionals is often cited by teachers as one of the most valuable elements of the entire course, as it connects young people to the working world around them whilst also promoting more ownership of ideas and supporting both academic and personal development.
Paul Gallanagh Deputy Head Teacher at Dunoon Grammar said;
‘When they have gone online and discussed their ideas with an expert and received feedback, the kids walk into a room and they are ten feet tall.’”
Here at Apps for Good we see first hand the value of feedback for young people, and more specifically constructive feedback.
So how do you ensure the feedback you are giving is constructive?
Top tips for giving constructive feedback
Make sure the feedback you give is individual and relevant.
Be empathic, try to imagine the idea and experience from the young person’s perspective, sometimes the social action ideas students come up with are directly related to difficulties they may be facing in their own lives, so sensitivity and awareness are key.
Turn the feedback session into a conversation. Make them feel at ease and encourage the young person to put forward any ideas they feel could improve their work.
Be specific when giving praise and when providing suggestions for improvements.
End on a positive and be sure to round off your session by reiterating what you liked about the idea.
Being able to give constructive positive feedback is one of the top attributes we look for in an Industry Expert, you don’t have to be a techie to join us! As you will know, most of our jobs involve technology in some shape or form and we feel strongly that young people benefit most from meeting people from a wide range of backgrounds and roles.
If you would like to find out more about volunteering and the impact you can make with Apps for good visit our website