Climate Creators

Creative technical solutions tackling the climate emergency

About the Climate Creators Category

BNY Mellon are generously supporting the Climate Creators category, showcasing creative technical solutions tackling the climate emergency.

Anti-Fast Fashion Clothing

Anti-Fast Fashion

Created by: Poppy, Lewis & Bradley aged 17 from Brighton, Hove & Sussex Sixth Form College in England.

Idea: Find out how eco-friendly and ethical fashion brands really are.

Find out more:

Valuable Trash

Valuable Trash

Created by: Pranet, aged 14 from The Cathedral and John Connon School in India.

Idea: Creative ways to re-use your plastic waste.

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Carbon Clean

Carbon Clean

Created by: Akrit, aged 15, Krrish, aged 14, Samuel and Rachael, aged 13, Olivia and Eva, aged 12 from Rosshall Academy in Scotland.

Idea: Learn about the impact of climate change on the environment.

Find out more:

The Climate Creators Category is supported by

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Christ the King
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We are proud to work with Apps for Good to support young creators to use the power of technology to solve some of the world’s most pressing problems. BNY Mellon is committed to developing digital and technology skills for the workforce of the future.”

BNY Mellon , Climate Creators Category Partner 2021